Build your website with a creative director in the room.

Build a beautiful and effective website that looks like you worked with a designer. I’m hosting a virtual workshop to build your personal landing page (or upgrade your existing one) on Squarespace. I’ll be your guide, curating templates for you to use, and giving you creative critiques to make sure you create a website that looks professional.


POSTPONED! I came down with a nasty case of Covid—email me if you are interested in getting info about future dates:


Virtual! We’ll be working together on Zoom.


We’ll be working with Squarespace templates—I will send you instructions on how to prep beforehand so you are ready to work on your site.

Is this for you?

If you’re tech savvy enough to throw something together yourself, but you want a pro to tell you what looks good…then yes, this is for you. You don’t have a website OR you have a website and you need to upgrade it. You are probably not in a place to hire a designer to create your brand and website for you (yet!)… but you can spend $333 on a little help!

How will it work?


Before the workshop, I will send you a list of content that you should prepare so that you can make the most of our time together. It will include copy and image suggestions. This will set you up to focus on the creative when we meet.


I’ll have a curated selection of templates ready for you to pick from, giving you design tips so that you make choices that align with your style and personality. You’ll drop your copy and images into your website.


Once your content is in, I will help with creative direction live in the session. We will make any tweaks or refinements needed to take your landing page from amateur to polished for you to share with the world.


  • YES YOU NEED TO PREP! If you have an existing site you are going to upgrade, just make sure you have your copy and images ready in a folder. If not, I will give you content suggestions to prep so that you can come prepared. If you have an existing site, be sure to review my content suggestions so you that you have time to tweak and revise what you have before the workshop.

  • IDK, do you??

    My goal is to help non-designers at least create a website that isn’t working against them because everything is illegible and it’s breaking 20 design rules. Yes, there are design rules, and I learned them. There is a rhyme and reason to why you pick fonts, text sizes, colors, etc etc.

    Some people just have that special “thing” where they make everything they touch look good. If you weren’t blessed with that, I’m here.

  • By creating the website using a template in 2 short working sessions, we’re not going to give you an opportunity to overthink this. And because you’re paying for this workshop, you will show up and build your website instead of putting it off for another month.

  • Yes. Squarespace is pretty user friendly and if you have used Wix or something similar, you will be fine using it. But if you struggle with tech, this is probably not for you. You will be building this site yourself. I will be there to guide and will share tutorials—but this is a group workshop so there will be no 1-1 tech support.

    You can email me about my website services. I have some premade templates for sale or can make you a custom website:

  • Besides the fee for the workshop, which is $333, you will need to pay for a basic Squarespace website plan (pricing here) and your domain. You can buy your domain with Squarespace too. If you have an existing domain, you can connect that.

  • This site is built on Squarespace. It took me less than 1 hour to create this landing page. You notice how it’s not overly designed, but it works? That’s why. It’s also responsive so Squarespace helps make sure it looks good on phones.

    Plus I use Squarespace for my own website!

  • I have been a graphic designer for 16 years. I have been working with Squarespace for almost 10 of those years. I have been working for myself as designer also for almost 10 of those years. So I know what you need in a website. If you want to check out my branding agency, go to

  • Then consider emailing me about a custom website… I have some premade templates for sale or can make you a custom website: