How To Use A Virtual Assistant In Your Business

Listen to Episode 6 of Allergic to Small talk on Spotify or Apple

We all needed a little help in our businesses, but sometimes it difficult to figure out exactly how to get someone started in our business.

If you’re struggling to keep up the relationships within your network I got a little tool that you’ll enjoy!

On this episode I talk about how you can use a Virtual Assistant to help you build and nurture your network + your business. 

I focus on 4 insights I have picked up while working with VAs to build my network and business:

  1. What the hell is a genius zone? If you can pin point your zone of genius you’ll exclude all the things in your business that you’re not good at so you can then offload the things you don’t enjoy doing to a Virtual Assistant.

  2. Create a checklist before hiring a Virtual Assistant. If you have a task that you do over and over again in your business, create a check list for your future Virtual Assistant so you don’t have to continually walk them through the process. Better yet, create a Loom to show your Virtual Assistance exactly how to do the task or process at hand. I used a Loom video to train my Virtual Assistant on how to upload my weekly podcast to Libsyn each week. Now if another VA comes on board all I have to do is send them to link to the Loom video without having to sit with them and train them.

  3. Have examples of the type of work your Virtual Assistant can do. Write down the tasks that you do every week and note which of these tasks aren’t your favorite and which ones you can offload to your Virtual Assistant.

  4. Apply the 30x rule for training a Virtual Assistant. The 30x rule says you should spend 30x the amount of time training someone to do a task than it would take you to do the task yourself one time. For example, if a task takes you 5 minutes per day to complete, then the 30x rule suggests you could comfortably spend up to 150 minutes training someone to do that task. Using a Loom could cut down this time though!

Dive in to the episode now!


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